Saint Joan of Arc has incorporated several annual events and activities that foster fellowship, provide opportunities for worship at a deeper level, and help with the financial support of our parish.
Children’s Mass: At various times during the school year, our children will host a Children’s mass at the 11:00 am Sunday Liturgy. Children will perform roles such as lector, and usher, and prayers will be specific to children and their intentions. Please refer to the Faith Formation schedule for dates.
Lenten Dinners: Each Friday (except Good Friday), Saint Joan of Arc sponsors fish dinners. This is a key fundraising activity for our parish. Please continue to support our parish by attending these dinners or helping.
Holy Thursday Dinner: Holy Thursday is celebrated in a special way here at Saint Joan of Arc with a Holy Thursday Dinner.
Parish Picnic: Our parish and friends celebrate each summer with an old fashioned parish picnic. Please come and celebrate with us.