The opportunity to receive and celebrate God’s forgiveness for the times we have failed to love God and others is one of the greatest gifts of our Catholic faith. Christ always welcomed sinners and continues to do the same today in the beautiful sacrament of Reconciliation, also know as penance or confession.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered each Saturday at 4:00 PM. This sacrament is also available for 1/2 hour before Masses or by appointment. See Father or one of the ushers if you need assistance. Penitential services are held twice each year – Lent and Advent. These are generally scheduled for 3PM on Sunday during these seasons.
Children in 2nd grade prepare for their First Reconciliation beginning each Fall. Classes this year start on October 1st; if your child is eligible to receive Communion, it is very important they attend classes to understand Reconciliation and prepare for their first confession.