Stewardship is a way of life, an expression of love. We are all aware that we should financially support our church to the best of our ability and through the prudent use of God’s gifts to us. Also, we realize that stewardship involves our time and talent. Each of us has different talents that can be given for the benefit of our parish family and each has limitations on his/her time, but again, all can give what he or she can.
There are many needs that can be addressed by volunteers:
- Eucharistic Ministers are needed to assist with the administering of the Holy Eucharist, particularly the consecrated wine. In addition, we are starting a program where Eucharistic Ministers will take Holy Communion to those who are ill, or otherwise unable to attend Mass. Lillian Cale schedules our Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors and Altar Servers. Training can be provided to new volunteers. If you served in this ministry before, please consider serving again.
- Lectors are needed to assist with readings and the Prayer of the Faithful. Workbooks and training are available to all new lectors who choose to serve. If you were a lector before, prayerfully consider serving again.
- Altar Servers are needed to assist the priest with Mass in an orderly and reverent fashion. Altar servers can be adults or children who have received their first communion. Mary Herring works with Father Jim to train new altar servers so they are properly prepared to assist with the Mass.
- Choir members are needed to offer songs of praise to our wonderful God. Reading music is not a requirement. Joann Forno will work with you to develop you singing talent. The choir generally sings twice a month. If you sign up, Joann will contact you with further information.
- Ushers are needed to assist with seating and the collections. After Mass, they distribute the bulletins.
- Religious Education Instructors are needed to provide faith formation training to our children. We need weekly teachers and volunteer substitutes. Religious education classes will start in October; training and assistance will be provided for those who choose to participate in this important ministry.
- A volunteer maintenance team is desperately needed to assist with maintenance and minor repair projects at our facilities. Our budget cannot support a maintenance person, so this team will assure we keep our church in top working order. To sign up, we ask for your name, phone number and areas of expertise (IE plumbing, carpentry, electrical, etc). If you do not consider yourself to be an expert, please sign up anyway. There is plenty to do. The parish staff will develop a list of projects/tasks that need to be done, and we will contact you via phone to see if you can assist. What a wonderful way to serve God.
- A Volunteer Deep Cleaning Team is needed to do a “deep” cleaning of the church and our other parish facilities once a quarter. Once we have a list of volunteers, we will ask for a volunteer chairman to set up schedules for the cleaning and to work with the office for needed supplies, etc. A meeting will be held to review the schedule and agree on times after our signup weekend.
- Volunteers to support parish fund raising activities are needed so we can continue with parish events such as the Fish Dinners, car show, parish picnic and Holy Thursday supper. When you sign up, please indicate if you prefer to do a specific activity. Prior to the activities, the team will meet or we will contact individuals so everyone knows what is going on.
- Greeters are needed to meet and greet those arriving for Mass at Saint Joan of Arc. Ideally, we would have one greeter per Mass who arrives 15 to 20 minutes early to greet people as they arrive. Greeters will be scheduled for the Masses based on their availability.
- Leaders and Visionaries are needed to come up with new ideas for parish fundraisers and parish family engagement activities. If there is something you wish for our parish – a way to raise parish funds, a ministry, anything, please speak up. Your comments are very important to us.